Infrared Heating Solutions For Stadiums

Efficient Comfort for Spectators
Our wide range of powerful infrared heaters guarantee that fans will remain cozy, ensuring that every moment in the stadium is unforgettable.
A Solution for Ice Build-Up
Icy walkways can be a hassle, posing risks to pedestrians and property alike. Our infrared heating solutions are your go-to for a quick thaw.
Practical Luxury for VIP Booths
Our infrared heating solutions keep the floors of your VIP booths warm and inviting, ensuring that your patrons are pampered and delighted.
No Concessions on Concessions
No more slippery surfaces in concession areas, just a clean, dry, warm and safe environment for everyone, employees and spectators alike.

Find a Heating Solution for Your Facility.

Connect with our experienced representatives today! We specialize in tailoring efficient heating systems to meet your specific needs.

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